A 2020 Reflection


For our first CVCF blog entry, we wanted to share a few reflections from our executive board. We hope it stirs you to consider the work and hope of Christ through our season of upheaval.

2020 Remaining Steadfast – 2021 Coming Forth

Look, I go forward, but He is not there,
And backward, but I cannot perceive Him. (8)
When He works on the left hand, I cannot behold Him;
When He turns to the right hand, I cannot see Him. (9)
But He knows the way that I take.
When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. (10)
My foot has held fast to His steps;
I have kept His way and not turned aside. (11)
I have not departed from the commandment of His lips;
I have treasured the words of His mouth
More than my necessary food. (12)
(Job 23:8-12)

Do we long for a return to normal? (Hebrews 11:16)
Or, to “come forth (shining) as gold”?!!! (Job 23:10)

The beginning of March 2021 marks the one-year anniversary of a great upheaval in our lives: disruption of our relationships, disruption of our Christian ministry and fellowship, disruption of our academic plans, threats to our means of livelihood, restriction to our travel opportunities; and now threats even to the security of our government and institutions, with which we have been blessed.

But, there is one relationship that the hardships, and yes “the evil” cannot touch. In fact, they have created the circumstances which have the potential to lead to an ever-deepening closeness and trust in Our Maker: Our Father in Heaven (John 17:20,21); Jesus, Our Master and Our Friend (John 15:15): The Holy Spirit, Our Comforter and Counselor (John 14:16,26). If we have been slow to understand, He is not shocked, nor does He condemn. (Romans 1:8) The door is open, The Arms spread wide to receive.

Can any of us deny that we have had habits or attitudes, or cravings, or plans that needed some “cleaning up”. None of us would have chosen these means (Isaiah 55:8,9) for our “cleansing”, “growth”, “strengthening”, “re-directing” as the Lord knows best for each of us uniquely. But, if we draw near to Him, surely these blessings will be our end. (Jeremiah 29:11) And we shall indeed, “Come forth (shining) as gold.”

Ron Hammersley
CVCF Executive Board Member

Jesus Indeed Faithful, Sovereign, and True

Undoubtedly, 2020 represented the most tumultuous year. From the mundane sheltering-in-place, ill-fitting facemasks, ethanol spritzed sanitizers, and 20-second hand-washing jingles, the Coronavirus pandemic upheaved your daily lives, routines, hopes and expectations. For others, weddings downsized, graduations streamed live, classes taught virtually, and work-from-home for parents. Daily the stats of positive cases, deaths, and testing splattered the news. The tsunami of medical advice, political pundits, incendiary images of protests, riots for Black Lives, then the contentious voting results, climaxed by the storming of Congress at the Capitol. It was overwhelming, exhausting, distressing, shocking, devastating, and demoralizing.

None of us have gone untouched, by the shattering of the fragile pillars of security. We thought we had our health and the medical system. We thought we had our churches and places of worship to congregate. We thought we can rely on the system of government, the enforcement of justice, and the civil liberties of speech. Yet, the shaken and shattering of all these societal frameworks revealed that they are not impenetrable, immovable, nor unerring. It made us question what is left, what can we rely on, and what can we be sure about?

The realities of 2020 taught me that God is ever so personal, true, and faithful. My church instituted daily reading and praying through the Psalms when the quarantine started. We came together to share our prayers, pleas and petitions for his mercy, help, and hope over FB at noon each day. Through the Psalms, we worshipped through exalting the character of God and that God is faithful through the miracles. And it would be through this deeper collective act of worship, in common necessity, as a community we grow in our trust and faith in God.

Abiding in the Psalms brought comfort and reassurance of Jesus Christ. Psalms 46 epitomizes how these psalms brought me comfort in this season. It opens with the recognition that “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Uncannily it describes how the “nations rage, kingdoms totter.” And it then reminds us just with the utterance of God’s powerful voice, “the earth melts” and “makes wars cease.” However, contrastingly the psalms incline us to “Be still, and know that I am God, I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! The Lord of Hosts is with us.”

No matter what our new 2021 year will bring, God indeed is faithful, sovereign, and true over the powers and events of this world. Jesus has not left us without hope in mere words. In John 16, after promising the Holy Spirit, who will be our Counselor and Spirit of Truth, Jesus assures us out that “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” Placing our trust in the salvation of Jesus Christ, we have this assurance and hope. If you already trust in Jesus, may you experience this deep peace in him. Or if you have not and want to seek this kind of peace let us pray for you. We have a prayer request form that you can send us your questions.

Uyen Dang
CVCF Executive Board Member

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